Plan now for Canada Geese control

Plan now to prevent this from happening to you! 

Canada geese are large and intelligent birds that are a frequent cause of complaint for managers of parks, lake associations, corporate parks, golf courses, and even backyards. Without realizing it, many properties provide ideal goose habitat. Open water, an extensive food supply, and lots of open space are precisely what geese are looking for. 

We have found that many people encourage geese when they first arrive, only to find themselves several years later with a large flock. The problem is that geese often return to the same spot year after year if they are successful in raising young AND those goslings will also return. At an average of four to seven goslings each year, that is a lot of geese after a few years! 

There are no easy solutions to geese problems, but be sure to prohibit and prevent feeding. Feeding can harm geese, as well as other wildlife. The concentration of waterfowl created by feeding allows for the spread of diseases, such as avian cholera and avian botulism. The food that people throw into water and the increased amount of geese feces also adds to nutrient loading, which impacts water quality and harms aquatic life. Use signs or other means of education to inform people not to feed geese. 

Preventing geese from nesting in the first place is the best strategy. Be ready in early spring when geese begin to breed. Even if they are well established on the property, preventing them from nesting will break their successful breeding record, and discourage them from returning or staying. 

Contact your local state wildlife department to determine the best method of intervention and what permits you may need to interfere with nests. Never destroy Canada geese or disturb their nests without a permit as they are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. 

For more information, visit GeesePeace

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