Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program (ACSP)

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Who can join: parks, cemeteries, museums, schools, universities, and other types of businesses

ACSP is an education and certification program that helps organizations and businesses protect our environment while enhancing their bottom line. Participating organizations create a plan and work toward goals in the categories of Outreach and Education, Resource Management, Water Quality and Conservation, and Wildlife and Habitat Management.

Click here for more information about ACSP.

ACSP for Golf

Who can join: golf courses

ACSP for Golf is a widely recognized and highly-regarded education and certification program that helps protect our environment and preserve the natural heritage of the game of golf. Golf courses are guided through projects in the categories of Environmental Planning, Wildlife and Habitat Management, Chemical Use Reduction and Safety, Water Conservation, Water Quality Management, and Outreach and Education.

Click here for more information about ACSP for Golf.


Green Lodging Program

Who can join: hotels, motels, resorts, inn, bed & breakfasts, and timeshares

The Green Lodging Program provides third-party on-site verification that lodging facilities have met environmental best practice standards and have demonstrated a strong commitment to the categories of Communication and Education, Water Conservation, Energy Efficiency, Indoor Air Quality, and Waste Reduction, Reuse, and Recycling. Through a comprehensive method for assessing the extent of the environmental measures undertaken, participating facilities can reduce environment-related costs and gain a marketing advantage.

Click here for more information about the Green Lodging Program.

Green Hospitality Program

Who can join: clubs, lounges, golf course club houses, recreational destinations, and member/guest facilities.

The Green Hospitality Program provides third-party on-site verification that hospitality facilities have met environmental best practice standards and have demonstrated a strong commitment to the categories of Communication and Education, Water Conservation, Energy Efficiency, Indoor Air Quality, and Waste Reduction, Reuse, and Recycling. Through a comprehensive method for assessing the extent of the environmental measures undertaken, participating facilities can reduce environment-related costs and gain a marketing advantage.

Click here for more information about the Green Hospitality Program.


Signature Sanctuary Certification

Who can join: golf courses, hospitals, roadways/trails, schools, private communities, resorts, and other types of businesses

The exclusive Signature Sanctuary Program provides comprehensive environmental planning assistance to new golf course properties and developments. The program assists landowners and developers with the design for the environment so that both economic and environmental objectives are achieved.

Click here for more information about the Signature Sanctuary Certification.

Sustainable Communities Program

Who can join: municipalities, large resorts, lake associations, planned communities, and community associations

The Sustainable Communities Program helps communities take steps to ensure that they are healthy and vibrant places to live, work, and play both today and tomorrow. That vision is founded in the three pillars of sustainability: a healthy local environment, quality of life for citizens, and economic vitality. The program is tailored to each community to ensure that its specific needs, priorities, resources, and challenges are addressed. Through the program, the community establishes priorities, develops a plan, and takes action that leads to meaningful results.

Click here for more information about the Sustainable Communities Program.

Pathway biking