Chris Young, Superintendent Gaylord Springs Golf Links

Published on Golf Course Trades 1. WHAT MOTIVATED GAYLORD SPRING GOLF LINKS TO JOIN THE AUDUBON INTERNATIONAL COOPERATIVE SANCTUARY PROGRAM (ACSP) FOR GOLF? Personally, I believe it is everyone’s duty to do their part in protecting our environment. At Gaylord Springs Golf Links, we believe that our Audubon certification shows that we are doing just that.…

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Southwinds Golf Course: Certified Audubon International Cooperative Sanctuary acts as an outdoor classroom for all ages

Southwinds Golf Course is a certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary for Golf that continues making sustainable strides for the environment in the heart of Boca Raton, Florida. This public, 18-hole golf course is owned and operated by Palm Beach County and boasts a family friendly venue with championship level golf facilities. Located just a few miles…

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Sustainable Golf in Massachusetts

Mass Golf is making it easier to find sustainable golf courses to play in Massachusetts. They’ve provided a great list on their website of certified ACSP for Golf courses as well as courses that participate in our Monarchs in the Rough program. Check out their listing by clicking here!

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Marriott’s Gaylord Springs Golf Links makes sustainable strides as an Audubon International Cooperative Sanctuary

The City of Nashville is synonymous with entertainment, country music and southern hospitality…but to many people’s surprise, Nashville also boasts many prestigious golf venues. Only a few miles from the hustle and bustle of NASHVILLE’S Broadway, lies an 18-hole golf course that is synonymous with environmental stewardship, Marriott’s Gaylord Springs Golf Links.  “Our goal here…

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How golf is doing more to protect wildlife than ever before

By Emma Francois – Published on Jim Pavonetti is expecting a visitor. This guest hasn’t booked a tee time, but for the past five years, around May 31, he has materialized—even accounting for leap year. Pavonetti checks his desk calendar: May 31. Sure enough the black-crowned night heron shows up. Pavonetti is the superintendent…

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Video: Great Horned Owls Nesting Above Certified ACSP for Golf Courses

From Cornell Lab Bird Cams: Look who’s hanging out at the vacant nest in Savannah, Georgia! This pair of Great Horned Owls has been frequenting the nest site for several months, but last night they dropped by for an extended visit (lasting over an hour) that included both nest maintenance and copulation. This could be…

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